• We are all being crushed by spiraling housing prices. Tenants are being pushed out. Homelessness is growing. Employers aren’t paying enough for workers to live in Portland. Immediate action on this issue is essential to make Portland more livable.

    • Enforce and strengthen rent control.

    • Create social housing.

    • Continue to modernize zoning codes to reduce barriers to housing construction.

    • Restrict short term rentals to owner-occupied and put hundreds of units of housing back on the market.

    • Require developers to build more affordable housing.

    • Give renters the right of first refusal to buy apartments put up for sale. Allow affordable housing providers the next option.

    • Prioritize Housing First.

    • Provide emergency rent assistance.

  • Portland must do more to support transportation options so working people can live successfully in Portland without needing to own and maintain a car.

    • Build out car-share programs

    • Expand bike lanes and sidewalks and adopt Vision Zero.

    • Restore free large item pickup.

    • Create a city-wide sidewalk snow clearing program.

    • Expand Bus routes and service frequency.

    • Support expanded Amtrak services.

    • Build a light rail system to connect the jetport, waterfront, and downtown.

  • We must make property taxes more equitable, and diversify municipal revenue streams.

    • Expand senior property tax relief to all ages.

    • Shift property tax burden off Portland families and onto big business.

    • Pressure the state legislature to allow a lodging tax on wealthy tourists.

    • Increase environmental impact fees on polluters like mega-yachts and mega-corporations, to fund green infrastructure.

  • Portland is a wealthy City, but this wealth is not shared. The City can enact programs that make Portland more livable for everyone.

    • Immediately enact a $20 minimum wage.

    • Create a municipal department of labor to protect workers.

    • Ensure that Portland Public Schools are adequately funded.

    • Crisis Pregnancy Centers use misleading tactics to try and prevent people who are pregnant and in a desperate position from getting abortions and other reproductive care. I'll fight to make it harder for these predatory businesses to operate.

    • Gender-affirming treatment should be easily accessible to folks who are seeking it out, and I want to write policy that actually does that.

  • A Livable Portland depends on robust engagement by residents in decision making.

    • Create participatory budgeting so D2 can decide where D2 funds get spent.

    • Move mayoral election from off-years to boost turnout.

    • Create more Council districts to improve responsiveness.

    • Improve accountability by transferring power from the unelected City Manager to elected officials.

  • A more livable Portland can develop and also protect its prized canopies of street trees, parks, and natural areas.

    • Inventory and protect mature street trees.

    • Improve parks and greenspace in tandem with development activities, funded by impact fees.

    • Create additional community gardens and food forests.
